11 April 2013

Multiple Clipboards?

One on the useful concepts that MS users use every day is the Copy (Ctl+C) Paste (Ctl+V) features. They are very useful for getting small snippets of data from one location - file/website/program/etc. to another. People who use them regularly, don't need to be told this.

However, I have often found having a single Clipboard area falls short when having to switch between 3 or 4 values. Like doing things on the internet with - User Ids, passwords, e-mail addresses, etc.
Up until now I have put the required text into tools like EditPadPro/Wordpad/etc. when switching frequently  between values.

Doing HMRC file submissions over the last several days, has made me think about improving on this approach.  Why not write a small VFP App to hold - lets say 9 different texts - that can be updated from or to the Clipboard with only a single mouse click.

Well that's what I've done see picture.  First select a text value (turns yellow) then click the small arrows on the left shaded green to place the current contents into the chosen text field - thereby saving it. To place a text string into the Clipboard - select the value before clicking the red arrows on the right. Simple really. And I'm finding it very useful.

26 March 2013

EuroZone democracy – is now dead

With Brussels seizing Cypriot cash savings in order to save the euro, the final nail in democracy has now been hammered home.

The Cypriot parliament rejected the first lot of plans. Now they are being defied with basically what amounts to out right theft of private money. Not to save Cyprus, but all done to save the Euro.

Europe, the euro zone especially, are now ruled by a political class that dreams of a supreme Europe and cares not a jot for individual parliaments or the European people. It’s almost as if we lived under the communist rule of Stalin or Mao!

We can see from this latest rape of the banks, that they blindly believe that ALL money in Europe belongs to them, and not the individual, be they corporate or otherwise.

By nature I am a conservative person, but will now welcome the REVOLUTION when it comes. And it is coming – it’s just a matter of when.