22 April 2016

Scaleable Vector Graphics - SVG tags for graphic display of data extracted from accounting software!

With the increasing number of browsers, business applications need to allow users to use these browsers and still have graphic capabilities outside of the MS Office Web Component mentioned here in March 2011. The limitation of the OWC is that it can only be used under IE.

This limitation is lifted by the HTML "Scaleable Vector Graphics" tag SVG.
Using the SVG tag and its subordinate tags of G, LINE, POLYLINE, TEXT, etc. dynamic graphs can be produced under HTML reflecting data held within business and accounting software. Typically these graphs will be simple bar and line graphs, although more complex graphs can be constructed.

Revenue Bar Chart with Budget Line 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec